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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.G. (Paula) Kalkman, MA

Research interests

Death in conversion? An osteo-archaeological analysis of burial treatment in Roman and Early Byzantine Anatolia.

My research focuses on funerary treatment in Roman and early Byzantine Anatolia (1st-7th century CE). The main aim is to investigate changes and continuity in burial treatment and treatment of the body, especially in relation to important societal changes such as the Roman influence and emergence of Christianity. The central dataset is from the necropolis of ancient Seleukeia Sidera (a project in cooperation with the Süleyman Demirel University in Isparta). The study will be working from an individual approach to a regional level by comparing the data from Seleukeia Sidera to contemporaneous sites in central-west Anatolia.


MARE - Mortuary Archaeology of the Roman East

Pronkjewails in verre oorden: Gronings onderzoek naar de dood in het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied

Review: Nuovo Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia: Cartografia archeologica della città e delle necropolis (G. Scardozzi, ed.)

Seleukeia Sidera Kuzey Nekropolisi 2018 Yılı Çalışmaları

Een menselijk skelet op de terp van Hizzard: een toevalsvondst