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P.F. (Petrie) Roodbol

Hoogleraar Verplegingswetenschappen / Hoofd Expertisecentrum verpleging UMCG / lector Verpleegkundige Innovatie en Positionering Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Profielfoto van P.F. (Petrie) Roodbol


Measuring the relationship between reciprocity behaviour and technology readiness of nursing staff working in residential care and community nursing: A cross-sectional study

Nurses' perspectives on shared decision-making in the daily care of hospitalized patients with dementia: An exploratory qualitative study

Prognostic value of Geriatric-8 for adverse outcomes within 30 days of surgery in older adults with colorectal cancer: A retrospective cohort study

Identifying and Supporting Students with a Chronically Ill Family Member: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Perceived Competences and Role Views of Lecturers

Individual and Team Factors Influencing the Adoption of Information and Communication Technology by Nurses: A Systematic Review

Involvement, topics, and roles of nurses in shared decision-making with patients with dementia in acute hospitals: An integrative review

Growing up with a Chronically Ill Family Member-The Impact on and Support Needs of Young Adult Carers: A Scoping Review

Nurses' perceptions in caring for people with dementia in Dutch acute hospitals

The predictive values of a deliberative and a paternalistic attitude towards two situations of moral conflict: A study among Dutch nurse practitioners and physician assistants

Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set for Diabetes Mellitus from nurses’ perspective using the Delphi method


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