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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. P. (Petra) Denig

Research interests

Drug Utilisation Research and Pharmacoepidemiology, diabetes & cardiovascular treatment. Prescribing quality and indicators. Deprescribing. Medication adherence. Shared decision making and decision support tools. 


A deprescribing programme aimed to optimise blood glucose-lowering medication in older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the OMED2-study: the study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Assessing the quality of medication use

Barriers and Enablers for Deprescribing Diabetes Medication

Comment on: Willingness to take less medication for type 2 diabetes among older patients

Drug utilization in older people

Effects of a multicomponent communication training to involve older people in decisions to DEPRESCRIBE cardiometabolic medication in primary care (CO-DEPRESCRIBE): protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial with embedded process and economic evaluation

Identifying and quantifying potentially problematic prescribing cascades in clinical practice: A mixed-methods study

Prescription Sequence Symmetry Analysis (PSSA) to assess prescribing cascades: a step-by-step guide

Process evaluation of a pharmacist-led intervention aimed at deprescribing and appropriate use of cardiometabolic medication among adult people with type 2 diabetes


Minderen en stoppen van medicatie

Interview Farma Magazine

Waarom pillen steeds beter werken [Dagblad van het Noorden]

Deprescribing: hoe minder, hoe beter

Verschillen in bijwerkingen bij man en vrouw onder de loep

ZonMw K&D Agenda Diabetes

ZonMw K&D agenda Chronisch Nierfalen