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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.D. (Pier Domenico) Tortola, PhD


Mapping the landscape of transnational municipal networks

The politics of expertise in the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-level mini-public approach

Abuses of the past by the Italian far right: a first assessment of the Meloni government

Political violence in far-right memory: Fratelli d’Italia’s remembrance of the Primavalle arson

Taking stock of the multilevel governance research programme: A systematic literature review

Historical legacies and the political mobilization of national nostalgia: Understanding populism’s relationship to the past

Memory Politics of the Far Right in Europe

Memory Politics of the Far Right in Europe

Populism and the Past

A “More Political” Commission? Reassessing EC Politicization through Language


20 LET V EU IN NATU: EU v 20 letih postala pomembnejši akter, a manj homogena

Interpreting the politics of Covid-19 – The analytical framework of REGROUP

Is the European Commission’s language becoming more politicised?

A Guide to the Election of the next Italian President

Taking central bank politicization seriously

Studying differentiated integration today

Podcast: "Brexit, where are we?"

Les discours de la BCE se font plus emphatiques