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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ir. P.D. (Pablo) Druetta, Dr

Research interests

Pablo Druetta received his mechanical engineer degree in 2004 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and he worked as assistant professor of fluid mechanics and piping/mechanical engineer for the next 10 years in different projects around the world, from basic to detailed engineering. He moved in 2014 to Groningen to pursue his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Picchioni, which defended successfully in 2018.

Afterwards, he worked as lecturer and lead engineer in different companies in the north of the Netherlands, until he was appointed in 2022 assistant professor with education profile at the University of Groningen.

As professor with education profile, he is focused on the improvement of the education techniques and quality in the different engineering tracks, proposing new teaching techniques and the introduction of new technologies in the lecture rooms. From a research point of view, he is busy with the modelling of (chemical) engineering processes by means of computational tools, i.e. CFD. He has extensive experience in engineering projects and teaching in engineering tracks. He has developed several courses in the Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management and Mechanical Engineering.


Numerical modelling of mass transfer and the plasticization effect of supercritical CO2 on polypropylene during extrusion

Mitigation of flow-induced vibrations in high-speed flows using triply periodic minimal surface structures

Modelling Supercritical CO2 Bubble Breakup Dynamics in Twin Screw Extruders

Modelling supercritical CO2 flow in a co-rotating twin screw extruder using the level-set method

Solubility of supercritical CO2 in polystyrene

Numerical Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences

Numerical Study of Turbulent Flows over a NACA 0012 Airfoil: Insights into Its Performance and the Addition of a Slotted Flap

Simulation of Polymer Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery in Ghawar Field

Influence of physical and rheological properties of sweeping fluids on the residual oil saturation at the micro- and macroscale