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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. Brandenbarg, MSc


Exploring experiences of people with stroke and health professionals on post-stroke fatigue guidance: Getting the right people to the right care at the right time.

Long-term trajectories of physical activity behavior in adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases following rehabilitation: the prospective cohort study ReSpAct 2.0

Measurement properties of device-based physical activity instruments in ambulatory adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases: a scoping review

Psychosocial factors of physical activity among people with disabilities: Prospective cohort study

Physical activity behaviour up to 1 year post-rehabilitation among adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases: results of the prospective cohort study ReSpAct

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Social Isolation among Adults with Physical Disabilities Living in Canada and The Netherlands

Test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Adapted Short QUestionnaire to ASsess Health-enhancing physical activity (Adapted-SQUASH) in adults with disabilities

The course of fatigue and physical activity from discharge up to 5-7 years post stroke rehabilitation and the role of activity pacing behaviour: a longitudinal mixed-methods study.

Daily Physical Activity 6 Years Beyond Clinical Rehabilitation: Protocol of the ReSpAct 2.0 Study

Development of an online personalized self-management intervention for men with uncomplicated LUTS

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