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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P. (Peter) Berger, Dr


Millets: Ancient Grains, Global Policies, Local Lifeworlds: parts 1-6

Related Beings: Cereals in Transition

Subaltern Sovereigns: Rituals of Rule and Regeneration in Highland Odisha, India

Platenkamp/Schneider (eds.): Integrating Strangers in Societies: Perspectives from Elsewhere

Configurations of Values

Epilogue: Studying religion in context - Diversity and commonalities in approaches


Introduction: Religion as Relation

Obituary: Georg Pfeffer (17 January 1943–20 May 2020)

Religion as Relation: Studying Religion in Context


Anthropology is understanding through difference

2021 NWO funds research on ‘magical superfood’: millets

Die vielfache Bedeutung von Hirse, Reis und Weizen

‘Language is the key to a culture’

Millets: ancient crops for the future

Odisha, India: Where dying can take a generation