P. (Peter) Berger, Dr

PhD supervision (ongoing):
Saara Toukolehto (with Marjo Buitelaar)
Ashutosh Kumar (with Roland Hardenberg)
Nidhi Trivedi (with Roland Hardenberg)
Suneet Kumar (with Roland Hardenberg)
Shilanjani Bhattacharyya (with Roland Hardenberg)
Bijayini Mohanty (with Roland Hardenberg and Sabita Acharya)
Indhubala Kesavan (with Roland Hardenberg)
PhD supervision (completed):
Lea Schulte-Droesch (with Kocku von Stuckrad)
ongoing research projects:
(applicants Peter Berger/René Cappers, UG, project partner Roland Hardenberg) NWO Free Competition: Salvage Crops, “Savage” People: A comparative anthropological and archaeobotanical investigation of Millet Assemblages in India
(project partners Berger, Cappers, Dagyeli; applicant and PI R. Hardenberg) DFG C 04 of Collaborative Research Centre 1070 on ResourceCultures: ResourceCultures of Rice and Millets in South and Central Asia: Religious and (agro)economic Dimensions of Cereals
(project partners Berger, Cappers; applicant and PI R. Hardenberg) German Research Foundation (DFG) "From “poor man’s food” to “nutri-cereals”: emergence of a new millet assemblage in Odisha, India”.
completed research projects:
(with Sarbeswar Sahoo, IIT Delhi) Gratama Foundation: Modalities of Conversion in India
7/2003 - 4/2005 and 5/1999 - 9/2001
research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), title of research project: " Umstrittene Zentren: Konstruktion und Wandel sozio-kultureller Identitäten in der indischen Region Orissa"
Last modified: | 16 September 2022 09.40 a.m. |