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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons O.C. (Olaf) Dimigen, Dr


Active vision, visuele perceptie en cognitie, aandacht, co-registratie van oogbewegingen en EEG, multimodale neuroimaging, parafoveaal en perifeer zicht, oculomotorische controle, microsaccades, lezen, gezichts- en scènewaarneming, semantische verwerking, reële toepassingen van psychofysiologische methoden


A high-speed OLED monitor for precise stimulation in vision, eye-tracking, and EEG research

(Micro)saccade-related potentials during face recognition: A study combining EEG, eye-tracking, and deconvolution modeling

(Micro)saccade‑related potentials during face recognition: A study combining EEG, eye‑tracking, and deconvolution modeling

Neural mechanism underlying preview effects and masked priming effects in visual word processing

Parafoveal and foveal N400 effects in natural reading: A timeline of semantic processing from fixation-related potentials

How the dominant reading direction changes parafoveal processing: A combined EEG/eye-tracking study

(Micro)saccade-related potentials during face recognition: A study combining EEG, eye-tracking, and deconvolution modeling

Neural mechanism underlying preview effects and masked priming effects in visual word processing

Parafoveal and foveal N400 effects in natural reading: A time-line of semantic processing from fixation-related potentials