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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons O.V. (Orest) Iftime, Dr


Data-Driven Loewner Matrices-Based Modeling and Model Predictive Control of a Single Machine Infinite Bus Model

A minimax sliding mode control design on finite horizon for linear evolution equations with switching modes

A moment matching-based loop shaping design with closed-loop pole placement

Gramian Preserving Moment Matching for Linear Systems

Model reduction with pole-zero placement and high order moment matching

Robust control of PDEs with disturbances using mobile actuators constrained over time-varying reachability sets

Indirect controller design for non-parabolic partial differential equations

Minimax sliding mode control design for linear evolution equations with noisy measurements and uncertain inputs

Optimal control and approximations

Optimal linear-quadratic control of asymptotically stabilizable systems using approximations