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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons O.V. (Olga) Minaeva


Designing daily-life research combining experience sampling method with parallel data

Fractal motor activity during wakefulness and sleep: A window into depression recency and symptom recurrence

Individual-specific change points in circadian rest-activity rhythm and sleep in individuals tapering their antidepressant medication: an actigraphy study

Risk Ahead: Actigraphy-Based Early-Warning Signals of Increases in Depressive Symptoms During Antidepressant Discontinuation

Overnight affective dynamics and sleep characteristics as predictors of depression and its development

Overnight affective dynamics and sleep characteristics as predictors of depression and its development in women

Screening for depression: The added value of actigraphy and smartphone-based intensive sampling of depressive affect and behaviors

Level and timing of physical activity during normal daily life in depressed and non-depressed individuals

Screening for Depression in Daily Life: Development and External Validation of a Prediction Model Based on Actigraphy and Experience Sampling Method