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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. O.M. (Oliver) Tucha


Financial capability of people living with Parkinson’s disease: A case-control study

Impairment Assessment in Adult ADHD and Related Disorders: Current Opinions From Clinic and Research

Let Us Talk Money: Subjectively Reported Financial Performance of People Living with Neurodegenerative Diseases—A Systematic Review

Look who is complaining: Psychological factors predicting subjective cognitive complaints in a large community sample of older adults

Subjective Complaints and Coping Strategies of Individuals with Reported Low-Frequency Noise Perceptions

Beschwerdenvalidierung in der klinischen Untersuchung von Erwachsenen mit ADHS

Feigning Adult ADHD on a Comprehensive Neuropsychological Test Battery: An Analogue Study

Groninger Effort Test (GET)

Laypeople’s Prevalence Estimates of Malingering: Survey Data from the Netherlands

Let's Talk Money: Subjectively Reported Financial Performance of People with Neurodegenerative Diseases

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You can’t teach an old dog new tricks… but he might you!

Klasseninterventies helpen gedrag van kind met ADHD te verbeteren.

Treating ADHD effectively – Do we miss our opportunities?