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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. O. (Olga) Belousova


Opportunities and barriers for innovation and entrepreneurship in orphan drug development

Contextualizing the Notion of an Entrepreneurial University: A Reflective Framework

Guest editorial: Understanding the entrepreneurial process through a multidisciplinary lens: Insights from entrepreneurship research in Europe

Corporate entrepreneurship behaviors: Evidence from teaching cases and reflections for entrepreneurship education

An Entrepreneurial Mindset in an Organizational Context: A General Model of Entrepreneurial Spikes

Corporate entrepreneurship: New insights

COVID-19 as Industry Forcing Function: Challenges for Entrepreneurship in the Post-Pandemic Future

Defining the entrepreneurial mindset and discussing its distinctiveness in entrepreneurship research

Abundance - A new window on how disruptive innovation occurs

An introduction to the field of abundant economic thought