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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. N.M. (Natasha) Maurits

Research interests

Clinical neuroengineering, in particular biomedical signal analysis, multimodal neuroimaging, high-density EEG recording, visualization of high-dimensional data and home-based diagnosis.
Applications in neurology (movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, dementia, stroke, trauma) and cognition (healthy ageing, dyslexia).


The influence of cognitive reserve on ERP measures of selective visual attentional processing in older adults after mild traumatic brain injury

Automatic two-dimensional & three-dimensional video analysis with deep learning for movement disorders: A systematic review

Clinical variables contributing to the identification of biologically defined subgroups within cognitively unimpaired and mild cognitive impairment individuals

Haemosync: A synchronisation algorithm for multimodal haemodynamic signals

Lower cognitive reserve is related to worse working memory performance in older adults after mTBI. An ERP study

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults: Recovery Course and Insights on Early Predictors of Outcome

Small vessel disease burden and functional brain connectivity in mild cognitive impairment

Classification of Movement Disorders Using Video Recordings of Gait with Attention-based Graph Convolutional Networks

Decreased Muscle Strength in Children With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot: Relation With Exercise Capacity

Dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of digital game-based literacy training in beginning readers: a cluster randomised controlled trial


Interview for podcast HTRIC

UMCG: subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren

UMCG: Ruim miljoen subsidie voor thuis revalidatie

UMCG krijgt subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren

RTV Noord – Radio interview bij Karel op Noord

IMAGINARY: Wiskunde in beeld

Reportage over onderzoek Essentiele tremor bij OOG TV

UMCG onderzoekt of sensor-pen vroegtijdig Parkinson kan aantonen

Sensorpen Parkinson

Interview in Papaver (Parkinson Magazine)