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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. N. (Namkje) Koudenburg


Diplomacy online: A case of mistaking broadcasting for dialogue

How perceived polarization predicts attitude moralization (and vice versa): A four-wave longitudinal study during the 2020 U.S. election

Let’s Talk About Condoms: Social Engagement in a Sexual Health Intervention Targeting Young Adults in Denmark

The experience and emergence of attitudinal consensus in conversations

The Social Dynamics Approach to mediated communication

The social grounds of personal self: Interactions that build a sense of ‘we’ help clarify who ‘I’ am

The sound of silence: The importance of bystander support for confronters in the prevention of norm erosion

Cooking a pro-veg*n social identity: the influence of vegan cooking workshops on children’s pro-veg*n social identities, attitudes, and dietary intentions

Editorial for the special issue: Social Influence in Computer-mediated Communication

Feeling heard: Operationalizing a key concept for social relations


How to Get Really Good at Sales, Using 3 Rules of Emotional Intelligence

Unprecedented Climate March in Amsterdam: A Call for Action Amid Controversy

NU+ Klimaatbeweging richt zich ook op andere thema's: zegen of schadelijk?

Pro-Palestijnse geluiden bij klimaatmars: wat betekent dat voor de beweging?

De mythe van toenemende polarisatie: waarom het eigenlijk reuze meevalt

'Wappie of woke: zo ver liggen ze niet uit elkaar'

Slice the cringe; how to over come embarrassing silences

Comment utiliser les silences en réunion