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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons N. (Nadia) Hijner, MSc


Bioturbation by benthic stingrays alters the biogeomorphology of tidal flats

Birds influence vegetation coverage and structure on sandy biogeomorphic islands in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Exploring the potential of seed-based dwarf eelgrass (Zostera noltii) restoration

Sea-level rise causes shorebird population collapse before habitats drown

Addressing data-deficiency of threatened sharks and rays in a highly dynamic coastal ecosystem using environmental DNA

Biodegradable artificial reefs enhance food web complexity and biodiversity in an intertidal soft-sediment ecosystem

Spatial design improves efficiency and scalability of seed-based seagrass restoration

The seafloor from a trait perspective: A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos

Where land meets sea: Intertidal areas as key-habitats for sharks and rays

On the use of large-scale biodegradable artificial reefs for intertidal foreshore stabilization


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