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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons drs. N.C. (Nieko) Punt
University Medical Center Groningen

drs. N.C. (Nieko) Punt


Nieko Punt is the managing consultant and director of Medimatics. Nieko studied pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Groningen from which he graduated in 1987. During his study he developed a special interest in the use of computers for pharmacokinetic simulations. After his graduation he worked as researcher on the subject of calcium antagonists in ischemic heart disease.

In 1990 he joined Mediware (a Zernike Science Park company) where he was responsible for the further development of MwPharm, a software package aimed at hospital pharmacists for use in therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).

In 1996 Nieko made a switch from healthcare to industry by joining Data Sciences, which was later acquired by IBM Global Services. Here he participated in several projects ranging from embedded software for digital studio camera's (Philips BTS) to digital video systems (Philips DVS).

In 1999 he decided to found his own company Medimatics, in which he combined the technical skills he acquired at IBM with his scientific background. In  Medimatics he was involved in several projects for the healthcare and food industry. He also participated in two projects funded by the European Commision. Nieko is specialized in pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling (PKPD) and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). In 2018 Nieko was invited for a part time position as reseracher at the UMCG.


Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 01:21