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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. N.C. (Nienke) Jonker


The reward and punishment responsivity and motivation questionnaire (RPRM-Q): A stimulus-independent self-report measure of reward and punishment sensitivity that differentiates between responsivity and motivation

Hunger increases negative and decreases positive emotions in women with a healthy weight

Why Dieters Succeed or Fail: The Relationship Between Reward and Punishment Sensitivity and Restrained Eating and Dieting Success

Influence of hunger on attentional engagement with and disengagement from pictorial food cues in women with a healthy weight

Visual attention to food cues and the course of anorexia nervosa

Adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation skills are associated with food intake following a hunger-induced increase in negative emotions

Cognitive biases involving readiness to categorise food in terms of calorie content in anorexia nervosa

Delving into the role of reward and punishment sensitivity in anorexia nervosa: Punishment responsivity as the only predictor of eating disorder symptom persistence in adolescents

Replication studies in the Netherlands: Lessons learned and recommendations for funders, publishers and editors, and universities

The Relationship Between Food Categorisation Biases, Restrictive Eating and Dieting Success in Women with a Low to Healthy BMI

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Como a fome pode distorcer sua mente

Empty stomach increases negativity and stress

How hunger hijacks your brain and makes you eat more

How hunger can warp our minds

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