dr. M. (Mathilde) van Dijk
Universitair Docent geschiedenis van het christendom en genderstudies/Associate Director Centre for Religion and Heritage/Coordinator Minor Gender and Diversity in Science, Society and Culture

050 36 36200 (fax)
mathilde.van.dijk rug.nl
Mathilde van Dijk teaches the following courses:
BA- Cultural History of Christianity 1 (*)
- I teach the part from Constantine the Great to approx. 1500.
- Cultural History of Christianity 2
- I teach the 19th-21st century.
- Philosophical Theology and Gender Studies (*)
- Gender Studies: The Virgin and the Whore (**) (This course is English taught)
MA (all courses in the MA are English taught)
- Christian Cultural Heritage 1 (*)
- Christian Cultural Heritage 2 (*)
- Medieval Mysticism, Kabbalah and Contemporary Culture (*)
- I teach Christian Mysticism
- Tutorial on 'Reading mystical texts'. (**)
.Most courses are taught jointly. Van Dijk leads the courses with a (*). In courses with a (**), she is the sole instructor.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 20 juni 2023 14:57 |