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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.J.M. (Martijn) Egas


Females guarded by sneaker males experience higher predation in the two-spotted spider mite

Displaying altruism as a sexual signal in human mate choice is an adaptation: An interdisciplinary overview of the evidence

On distinguishing between canonical tRNA genes and tRNA gene fragments in prokaryotes

Sperm-depleted males of the two-spotted spider mite can replenish sperm in a few hours

The operational sex ratio experienced by mothers modulates the expression of sons’ alternative reproductive tactics in spider mites

Towards evolutionary predictions: Current promises and challenges

Artificial selection for timing of dispersal in predatory mites yields lines that differ in prey exploitation strategies

Males mate with females even after sperm depletion in the two-spotted spider mite

Population bottleneck has only marginal effect on fitness evolution and its repeatability in dioecious Caenorhabditis elegans

Correction to: "Eco-evolutionary dynamics of ecological stoichiometry in plankton communities” (American Naturalist 192: E1–E20)


Decoraties: pracht en prieel

Two 6.7 million grants for FSE researchers from Dutch Research Agenda

Evolutie, Politiek en Duurzaamheid

Hoe werkt instinct? Het boek over aangeboren gedrag wordt langzaam herschreven