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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. M.P. (Marcel) de Vries
University Medical Center Groningen

ing. M.P. (Marcel) de Vries

Analist Massaspectrometrie bij Kindergeneeskunde (UMCG) werkzaam in het Interfacultair Centrum voor Massaspectrometrie(RUG)
Profielfoto van ing. M.P. (Marcel) de Vries


Hepatic ChREBP orchestrates intrahepatic carbohydrate metabolism to limit hepatic glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen accumulation in a mouse model for acute Glycogen Storage Disease type Ib (6675 words)

DNAJB6-Containing Extracellular Vesicles as Chaperone Delivery Systems: A Proteomic Analysis

Identification of Damage Associated Molecular Patterns and Extracellular Matrix Proteins as Major Constituents of the Surface Proteome of Lung Implantable Silicone/Nitinol Devices

Probing the Conformational States of Thimet Oligopeptidase in Solution

The Isotopic Ac-IP Tag Enables Multiplexed Proteome Quantification in Data-Independent Acquisition Mode

The USP7-TRIM27 axis mediates non-canonical PRC1.1 function and is a druggable target in leukemia

A Collision-Induced Dissociation Cleavable Isobaric Tag for Peptide Fragment Ion-Based Quantification in Proteomics

A Versatile Isobaric Tag Enables Proteome Quantification in Data-Dependent and Data-Independent Acquisition Modes

Impact of spatial proximity on territoriality among human skin bacteria

Selective Maleylation-Directed Isobaric Peptide Termini Labeling for Accurate Proteome Quantification