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prof. dr. M. (Machiel) Mulder

Professor of Energy Economics

Executive MBA Energy Transition (2 years program)

  • Program director
  • coordinator and lecturer of courses

    Energy systems, markets and policy, Energy Business, and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Energy Transition

MSc Economics

  • coordinator and lecturer in Regulating Energy Markets 

    annual evaluations over the period 2014-2023 (average scores on 1-5 scale):    COURSE: 4.4  - LECTURER: 4.5 (3 times in top 5 of most valued courses FEB)

  • supervision of Master theses

BSc Economics

PhD Research



Director of the energy programmes of the University of Groningen Business school (UGBS):

Lecturer in the MSc course "Energy Markets, Law, Regulation and Finance" in de  European Master Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM), Hanze University of Applied Science (annually in October since 2016)

Lecturer "Tariff regulation" in the North-Sea Energy Law Programme (2014, 2016, 2018) 

Lecturer 'Energy Markets' in the RUG PhD Energy Summer School (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019)

Lecturer 'Energy Economics' in Massive Open Online Course 'Solving the Energy Puzzle: A Multidisciplinary approach to Energy Transition' (starting 12 October 2015, repeating annually)

Annual guest lectures on Regulation of Energy Markets at the Radboud University  Nijmegen

Lectures energy markets & energy policy at:

  • Hogeschool voor Volwassenonderwijs  (HOVO)
  • Euroforum
  • RUG Centre of Entrepreneurship
  • Rijksacademie voor Financiën
Last modified:09 March 2024 1.59 p.m.