prof. dr. M. (Machiel) Mulder

Executive MBA Energy Transition (2 years program)
Program director
coordinator and lecturer of courses
Energy systems, markets and policy, Energy Business, and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Energy Transition, and Integration Projects 1, 2 and 3
MSc Economics
coordinator and lecturer in Regulating Energy Markets
annual evaluations over the period 2014-2024 (average scores on 1-5 scale): COURSE: 4.4 - LECTURER: 4.5 (3 times in top 5 of most valued courses FEB)
supervision of Master theses
supervision of papers in Economic Policy Workshop
coordinator van de FEB Energy Focus area
BSc Economics
coordinator and lecturer of courses Multidisciplinary dimensions of energy transition, Energy Case Study, Solving Energy Challenges and Energy Research Project
MSc Finance
coordinator and lecture in Financing the Energy Transition
Supervision of PhD students:
Floris van Montfoort (energy transition and regulation of energy networks) (with Peter Dijkstra, ACM)
Carlotta Masciandaro (distributional aspects of climate policy) (with Michaela Kesina
Arjen Veenstra (quantitative economic analysis of electricity markets) (with Michaela Kesina)
Nihal Chehber (economics of hydrogen)
Jann Keller (Between Regulation and Competition: Transmission System Operators in Merged EU Gas Markets) (with Gerard Kuper) (Defense: 16 December 2021)
Daan Hulshof (Imperfect Information and Incentives for Renewable Energy) (with Catrinus Jepma) (defense: 22 april 2020)
Arjan Trinks ( Falling for Rising Temperatures? finance in a carbon-constrained world .) (with Bert Scholtens) (defense: 12 mei 2020)
Coordinator en kerndocent van energy programmes van de UGBS:
Succesvolle energietransitie met multidisciplinaire aanpak (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023... new version starts in March 2024)
'Van het gas af ....hoe dan? (2018-2020)
Incompany cursussen over Energietransitie (ACM, Enexis, Feenstra, Provincie Limburg)
Docent in de MSc cursus "Energy Markets, Law, Regulation and Finance" in de European Master Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM) aan de Hanze Hogeschool (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
Docent "Tariff regulation" in the North-Sea Energy Law Programme (2014, 2016, 2018)
Docent 'Energy Markets' in de jaarlijkse RUG PhD Energy Summer School (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019)
Docent 'Energy Economics' in Massive Open Online Course 'Solving the Energy Puzzle: A Multidisciplinary approach to Energy Transition' (since 2015, repeated annually)
Gastdocent 'Regulering van energiemarkten' aan Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Colleges over energiemarkten & energiebeleid bij
Hogeschool voor Volwassenonderwijs (HOVO)
RUG Centre of Entrepreneurship
Rijksacademie voor Financiën
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 februari 2025 21:55 |