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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. M.W. (Marco) Fraaije


Altering substrate specificity of a thermostable bacterial monoamine oxidase by structure-based mutagenesis

Biochemical and Structural Characterisation of a Bacterial Lactoperoxidase

Biochemical and structural insights into pinoresinol hydroxylase from Pseudomonas sp

Dehydrogenase versus oxidase function: The interplay between substrate binding and flavin microenvironment.

Engineering of LOV-domains for their use as protein tags

Impact of Ligand-Induced Oligomer Dissociation on Enzyme Diffusion, Directly Observed at the Single-Molecule Level

Asymmetric Sulfoxidations Catalyzed by Bacterial Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases

Biocatalytic Cleavage of para-Acetoxy Benzyl Ethers: Application to Protecting Group Chemistry

Biocatalytic Oxidative Amination of para-Substituted Phenols

Biochemical, kinetic, and structural characterization of a Bacillus tequilensis nitroreductase


Wetenschappers werken aan een bacterie die plastic opeet

Wetenschappers vinden een bacterie die nylon omzet in afbreekbaar plastic

Enzymen bouwen voor een groenere chemie

Creating enzymes for sustainable chemistry

Enzymen bouwen voor een groenere chemie

Negen Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks voor de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Nine Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks for the University of Groningen

Enzyme engineering makes blue denim greener

Enzyme engineering makes blue denim greener

L’ingénierie enzymatique rend le denim bleu plus vert