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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. M. (Mozhdeh) Taheri


Market introduction and upscaling of new technology s: Life trajectories of start-ups in contrasting entrepreneurial ecosystem

Innovative start-ups’ founding teams and early and later networks: a longitudinal study of balancing weak teams in innovation and financial risk-taking

Knowledge relationships of university spin-offs: Contrasting dynamics in global reach.

Cities and Sustainable Technology Transitions: Leadership, Innovation and Adoption

University spin-off firms’ struggle with openness in early knowledge relationships: in search of antecedents and outcomes

University spin-offs’ commercialization of medical technology – The Netherlands as a case

Hidden mediator roles of university spin-offs in Triple Helix networks

Team’s boundary-spanning capacity at university: Performance of technology projects in commercialization

Bringing Technology Projects to Market: Balancing of Efficiency and Collaboration

From mind to market at university: How diversity in knowledge networks makes a difference