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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.T. (Marije) Elferink-Gemser


Growing up and reaching for the top: A longitudinal study on swim performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers

Multidimensional and Longitudinal Approaches in Talent Identification and Development in Racket Sports: A Systematic Review

Multidimensional performance characteristics of talented youth judoka: Dynamic balance and coping skills relate to international competitive performance

Observe, Practice, and Improve? Enhancing Sidestep Cutting Execution in Talented Female Soccer Players: A Four-Week Intervention Program With Video Instruction

Pacing Behavior Development: The Role of Task Experience and the Presence of Competitors

Sequencing Effects of Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training on Selected Measures of Physical Fitness in Young Male Soccer Players: A Randomized Matched-Pairs Trial

The Integral Reactive Strength Index: An Accurate Measurement for Evaluating Drop Jump Performance in Sprinter Athletes

The perception of time is slowed in response to exercise, an effect not further compounded by competitors: behavioral implications for exercise and health

Throwing it out there: Grip on multidimensional performance characteristics of judoka – a systematic review

Be Aware of the Benefits of Drafting in Sports and Take Your Advantage: A Meta-Analysis


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