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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.S. Hipp


Studying the FLOW of a-Synuclein using an inducible expression system

Correction to: Gel‐like inclusions of C‐terminal fragments of TDP‐43 sequester stalled proteasomes in neurons (EMBO reports, (2022), 23, 6, (e53890), 10.15252/embr.202153890)

Interplay of Proteostasis Capacity and Protein Aggregation: Implications for Cellular Function and Disease

Visualizing multimerization of plasticity-related gene 5 at the plasma membrane using FLIM-FRET

Digest it all: the lysosomal turnover of cytoplasmic aggregates

The AAA+ chaperone VCP disaggregates Tau fibrils and generates aggregate seeds in a cellular system.

Gel-like inclusions of C-terminal fragments of TDP-43 sequester stalled proteasomes in neurons

Plasticity-Related Gene 5 Is Expressed in a Late Phase of Neurodifferentiation After Neuronal Cell-Fate Determination

Systematic expression analysis of plasticity-related genes in mouse brain development brings PRG4 into play

Fluc-EGFP reporter mice reveal differential alterations of neuronal proteostasis in aging and disease


Interview about Ataxias at 'Benefietavond Charity4Brains'