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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.S. (Michel) Brink


Discriminative validity of summarized hip and knee angular accelerations for lower extremity training load quantification in male soccer players during a standardised training drill

Biomechanical load quantification of national and regional soccer players with an inertial sensor setup during a jump, kick, and sprint task: assessment of discriminative validity

Biomechanical Load Quantification Using a Lower Extremity Inertial Sensor Setup During Football Specific Activities

Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports Injuries? Applying the Complex Dynamic Systems Toolbox to Football Monitoring Data

Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports Injuries? A Proof of Concept Using Football Monitoring Data: A Proof of Concept Using Football Monitoring Data

Effectiveness of Recovery Strategies After Training and Competition in Endurance Athletes: An Umbrella Review

How do psychological and physiological performance determinants interact within individual athletes? An analytical network approach

Monitoring the recovery-stress states of athletes: Psychometric properties of the acute recovery and stress scale and short recovery stress scale among Dutch and Flemish athletes

Psychophysiological States of Athletes: A Recurrence Network Approach with Phase Profiles

Resilience in sports: A multidisciplinary, dynamic, and personalized perspective


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