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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Manuela) Ritondale, PhD

Research interests

Maritime archaeology - spatial & predictive modelling -  Mediterranean history


Archaeological predictive modelling in underwater contexts. Utility and challenges

Shipwrecking Probability in Mediterranean Territorial Waters: a Cultural Approach to Archaeological Predictive Modelling

Formal Modelling Approaches to Complexity Science in Roman Studies: A Manifesto

Ritondale, M. 2018. Review of David Jacoby, Travellers, Merchants and Settlers in the Eastern Mediterranean, 11th-14th Centuries

Peggy Levitt, Artifacts and allegiances. How museums put the nation and the world on display. University of California Press, 2015

Application of network analysis to the trade routes of antiquities passing through the Pontine Islands

Deep discoveries from the seabed of the Pontine Islands: the shipwrecks of Ventotene, Santo Stefano and Zannone

I cinque relitti di Ventotene