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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.R. (Mark) Nieuwenstein


Memory-driven attentional capture reveals the waxing and waning of working memory activation due to dual-task interference

Do Resit Exams Promote Lower Investments of Study Time? Theory and Data from a Laboratory Study

On making the right choice: A meta-analysis and large-scale replication attempt of the unconscious thought advantage

Beyond a Mask and Against the Bottleneck: Retroactive Dual-Task Interference During Working Memory Consolidation of a Masked Visual Target

Cognitive control in media multitaskers: Two replication studies and a meta-Analysis

Second Chances in Learning: Does a Resit Prospect Lower Study-Time Investments on a First Test?

Training modulates memory-driven capture

Proximate mechanisms of the survival-processing advantage: Predicting memory from object and scenario-specific judgment parameters

Media multitasking, mind-wandering, and distractibility: A large-scale study

Towards a unified understanding of lateralized vision: A large-scale study investigating principles governing patterns of lateralization using a heterogeneous sample


Groot op 5: Radio interview about forgetting passwords

Unconscious thought not so smart after all

Blokken of gokken?

The good, the bad, and the media multi-tasking: It’s all the internet’s fault. Or is it?

When a flash a memory makes: Memorability of pictures in an RSVP task

“Fuhgeddaboudit” if you can: When remembering may help you forget about a bad date

Pois, amigo, sua intuição não é tão boa quanto você pensava

Tezke izbire in majhni vzorci

Бессознательное не помогает принять правильное решение
