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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Mladen) Popovic


Book Production and Circulation in Ancient Judaea: Evidenced by Writing Quality and Skills in the Dead Sea Scrolls Isaiah and Serekh Manuscripts

The Quality of Hasmonaean Biblical Manuscripts

Defining multiple inhabitations of a cave environment using interdisciplinary archaeometry: the ‘Christmas Cave’ of the Wadi en-Nar/Nahal Qidron, West of the Dead Sea

Using AI to Identify Scroll Scribes

Artificial intelligence based writer identification generates new evidence for the unknown scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)

Archives and Libraries

Scripts and Scribal Practices

Multilingualism, Multiscripturalism, and Knowledge Transfer in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Graeco-Roman Judaea

Sharing and Hiding Religious Knowledge in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

A Digital Palaeographic Approach towards Writer Identification in the Dead Sea Scrolls

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Publieksacademie Dode Zeerollen

Wie schreef de Bijbel? Als die vraag ooit wordt beantwoord, dan komt het antwoord uit Groningen

Is de Bijbel verkeerd overgeschreven?

Using AI, Researchers Uncover Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Artificial intelligence unlocks a new secret of the Dead Sea Scrolls

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