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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. M. (Mathieu) Platteel


Immunochip meta-analysis in European and Argentinian populations identifies two novel genetic loci associated with celiac disease

Integrated clinical and omics approach to rare diseases: novel genes and oligogenic inheritance in holoprosencephaly

Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population

WGS-based telomere length analysis in Dutch family trios implicates stronger maternal inheritance and a role for RRM1 gene

A locus at 7p14.3 predisposes to refractory celiac disease progression from celiac disease

Understanding human immune function using the resources from the Human Functional Genomics Project

Cell Specific eQTL Analysis without Sorting Cells

Correction: Susceptibility to Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion, a Genome Wide Association Study

Serum Lipid Levels, Body Mass Index, and Their Role in Coronary Artery Calcification A Polygenic Analysis

Fine mapping of the celiac disease-associated LPP locus reveals a potential functional variant