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Integrating genetic subtypes with PET scan monitoring to predict outcome in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

A MYC-rearrangement is a negative prognostic factor in stage II, but not in stage I diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Clinical characteristics and survival outcomes of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with high-dose methotrexate-based polychemotherapy and consolidation therapies

Consolidation With Second High Dose Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Is Associated With Improved Overall Survival in Patients With Multiple Myeloma in First Relapse

Detection of circulating tumor DNA in plasma of patients with primary CNS lymphoma by digital droplet PCR

Distinct peripheral T-cell and NK-cell profiles in HGBL-MYC/BCL2 vs patients with DLBCL NOS

Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma: A population-based cohort study on incidence, treatment, and outcome in the Netherlands

Outcome of combined modality treatment in first-line for stage I(E) peripheral T-cell lymphoma; a nationwide population-based cohort study from the Netherlands

Population Pharmacokinetic and Toxicity Analysis of High-Dose Methotrexate in Patients with Central Nervous System Lymphoma

R-miniCHOP versus R-CHOP in elderly patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A propensity matched population-based study

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Rituximab Biosimilars Versus Originator: Comparing Long-Term Survival Benefit in DLBCL

Medtalks:Diffuus Grootcellig B-cellymfoom 2018