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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.N. (Michelle) Servaas


Opening the contextual black box: a case for idiographic experience sampling of context for clinical applications

Feedback based on experience sampling data: Examples of current approaches and considerations for future research

Increased affective reactivity among depressed individuals can be explained by floor effects: An experience sampling study

Integrating personalized experience sampling in psychotherapy: A case illustration of the Therap-i module

Affect fluctuations examined with ecological momentary assessment in patients with current or remitted depression and anxiety disorders

Personalized ESM monitoring and feedback to support psychological treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Therap-i)

Trapped: rigidity in psychiatric disorders

Time to get personal? The impact of researchers choices on the selection of treatment targets using the experience sampling methodology: The impact of researchers choices on the selection of treatment targets using the experience sampling methodology

Using person-specific networks in psychotherapy: challenges, limitations, and how we could use them anyway

Impaired reward-related learning signals in remitted unmedicated patients with recurrent depression

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