dr. M.N. (Machteld) Hylkema
Universitair Hoofddocent

m.n.hylkema umcg.nl
- ZonMw MKMD project: 3D-bioprinted airways: A new breath to replace animal models for lung disease research. MN Hylkema, JK Burgess, MC Harmsen. 2018-2021 (€230.000).
- Chiesi: Towards restoration of bronchial airways in COPD using epigenetic reprogramming of endogenous lung stem cells. MN Hylkema, M van den Berge, MG Rots. 2017-2018 (€50.000).
- Boehringer Ingelheim: Towards restoration of bronchial airways in COPD using epigenetic reprogramming of endogenous lung stem cells. MN Hylkema, M van den Berge, MG Rots. 2017-2018 (€15.000).
- Stichting Astma Bestrijding: Reprogramming of Alveolar Epithelial Cell type 2 gene expression using Epigenetic Editing. MN Hylkema, MG Rots. 2016-2018 (€25.000).
- Stichting Astma Bestrijding: Regulation of epithelial cell differentiation by Epigenetic Editing. MN Hylkema, MG Rots. 2014-2016 (€25.000)
- Lung Foundation Netherlands NAF Prenatal programming by maternal smoking during pregnancy: susceptibility for development of COPD. MN Hylkema and L. Kobzik (Harvard University). 2012-2016. (€250.000).
- Lung Foundation Netherlands NAF 2.09.036. Th17 responses in asthma: Protection against atopy versus development of non-allergic asthma. MN Hylkema and IM Wouters. 2010-2014. (€250.000).
- Lung Foundation Netherlands NAF The role of alternatively activated macrophages in the pathogenesis of asthma. BN Melgert, MN Hylkema and K Poelstra. 2011-2015. (€250.000).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 01:13 |