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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. M.N. (Muhsin) Harakeh, PhD


A compact start time counter using plastic scintillators readout with MPPC arrays for the WASA-FRS HypHI experiment

Effect of ground-state deformation on the isoscalar giant monopole resonance and the first observation of overtones of the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in rare-Earth Nd isotopes

Increasing the rate capability for the cryogenic stopping cell of the FRS Ion Catcher

Investigation of direct nuclear reactions in a storage ring using in-ring detection

Magicity versus Superfluidity around 28O viewed from the Study of 30F

Optical model potentials for deuteron scattering off Mg 24, Si 28, Ni 58, Zr 90, Sn 116, and Pb 208 at ≈100 MeV/nucleon

Search for η'-mesic nuclei in 12C(p,dp) reaction with the WASA detector at GSI-FRS

Study of Gamow-Teller giant resonance in 11Li drip-line nucleus

Study of the pygmy dipole resonance using neutron inelastic scattering at GANIL-SPIRAL2/NFS

Understanding the total width of the 31-state in C 12

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