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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.V. (Maxim) Mostovoy


Mechanical manipulation for ordered topological defects

Reentrant multiple-q magnetic order and a “spin meta-cholesteric” phase in Sr3Fe2O7

Electrically-Excited Motion of Topological Defects in Multiferroic Materials

Erratum: Interfacial spin-orbit torques and magnetic anisotropy in WSe2/permalloy bilayers

Hysteretic Responses of Skyrmion Lattices to Electric Fields in Magnetoelectric Cu2OSeO3

Magnetization reversal through an antiferromagnetic state

Strain-Control of Cycloidal Spin Order in a Metallic Van der Waals Magnet

Magnetization reversal through an antiferromagnetic state

Topologically protected magnetoelectric switching in a multiferroic

All-electrical detection of skyrmion lattice state and chiral surface twists