M. (Michele) Molè, LLM
Promovendus Arbeidsrecht

m.mole rug.nl
Courses academic year 2023/2024:
LLB International and European Law (RUG):
LLM Labour Law (RUG):
Master Sociology of Labour Relations (RUG):
Guest lectureships academic year 2022/2023:
LLM Governance and Law in Digital Society (RUG):Cyber Crime (5 ECTS)
LLB International and European Law, track Technology Law (RUG):
Data Protection and Human Rights (10 ECTS); Regulating Cybercrime (5 ECTS)
Guest lectureships academic year 2021/2022:
LLM Governance and Law in Digital Society (RUG):Cyber Crime (5 ECTS)
LLB International and European Law, track Technology Law (RUG):Regulating Cybercrime (5 ECTS)
Masters of Law, Corso di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Giurisprudenza (University of Milan, Italy):
European Labour Law (6 ECTS)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 06 januari 2024 18:36 |