dr. M. (Marco) Mazereeuw

Marco Mazereeuw holds a professorship in Vocational Pedagogy and Lifelong Development at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Lectoraat) and Firda Vocational Education and Training (practoraat). Besides this he is a researcher in the research group Lifelong Learning at the University of Groningen. Marco started his career as a teacher of biology and science. Since 1999 he has combined being a teacher with a job as a teacher trainer at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. In 2005 he started to focus more on (practice-oriented) educational research. This resulted in a PhD-study in which he studied integrations of school and workplace learning of students in pre-vocational secondary education. Since then, Marco's research has focused on practice developments where learning processes and work processes meet. He has been a principal researcher in projects such as ‘Learning at the Workplace’ and ‘Room for Professional Agency in Hybrid Learning and Working Environments’ in which educational practice development and educational research enhance each other. Nowadays Marco guides various (teacher) researchers and PhD-students in various practice development and research projects in the field of lifelong development, with an emphasis on guidiing and coaching professional development.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 december 2023 22:35 |