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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.M.M. (marco) Gresnigt


What is the influence of the operator on the long-term survival of posterior partial lithium disilicate restorations in an undergraduate setting?

Biomechanical behavior of molars restored with direct and indirect restorations in combination with deep margin elevation.

Ceramic partial laminate veneers in anterior teeth: A literature review

Clinical performance of bonded partial lithium disilicate restorations: the influence of preparation characteristics on survival and success

Clinical report and fractographic analysis of a fractured partial laminate veneer

De coronale afsluiting: een directe of indirecte restauratie?

Effect of preparation design on fracture strength of compromised molars restored with direct composite resin restorations: An in vitro and finite element analysis study

Partial glass-ceramic posterior restorations with margins beyond or above the cemento-enamel junction: An observational retrospective clinical study

The cantilever contact-point resin bonded bridge; adhesion 2.0

The multi-luting concept: a new approach to facilitate the adhesive luting of multiple indirect restorations

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De keuze tussen directe en indirecte restauraties

Je tanden laten bleken: is dat schadelijk voor je gebit?

Restaureren van voortanden met indirecte restauraties na endodontische behandeling