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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.M. (Monicque) Lorist

Research interests

Healthy human task performance is characterized by significant differences between and within individuals. The dynamics in behaviour, underlying the richness of behavioural diversity, are largely undelineated. My line of research explicitly aims at enhancing our understanding of mechanisms underlying this variability in cognitive performance within and between individuals. 

Of specific importance is the comprehension of changes in the flexibility and limitations of the information processing system in the ageing human brain and how the dynamics in this system might be used to deal with cognitive task demands and to prevent age-related performance deteriorations.
The combination of measures of behaviour (reaction time and accuracy) and brain activity (e.g., EEG, ERP and fMRI) to examine task performance, forms a crucial aspect of this research. Especially, the simultaneous use of these non-invasive techniques provides particularly important ways to generate new information about brain dynamics in healthy individuals.

Research topics that I am working on at the moment include:
• Effects of healthy ageing on attention, working memory and reward processing
• Mental fatigue and task performance
• Gender differences and stress
• Sensory and liking of food
• Effects of caffeine on cognition


Effects of cue location and object orientation on object-based attention

Environmental influences on induction of itching and scratching using immersive virtual reality

Variability in the temporal dynamics of object-based attentional selection

Categorical bias as a crucial parameter in visual working memory: The effect of memory load and retention interval

Dynamic modulation of neural feedback processing and attention during spatial probabilistic learning

Effects of cue validity on attentional selection

Is Categorization in Visual Working Memory a Way to Reduce Mental Effort? A Pupillometry Study

Other road users’ adaptations to increase safety in response to older drivers’ behaviour

Second Chances in Learning: Does a Resit Prospect Lower Study-Time Investments on a First Test?

Caffeine Boosts Preparatory Attention for Reward-related Stimulus Information
