M.M. (Michael) Lerch, Dr
Universitair Docent (Tenure Track)

m.m.lerch rug.nl
Research interests
Michael Lerch obtained his BSc and MSc degree at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) with stays at the University of Cambridge (Prof. Steven V. Ley, UK) and the California Institute of Technology (Prof. Robert H. Grubbs, US). He conducted his Master's Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Robert H. Grubbs and Prof. Erick M. Carreira on the topic of regioselectivity in Wacker-type oxidations. He received his M.Sc. in 2014 in Interdisciplinary Sciences and he is currently pursuing his PhD at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry in Groningen under the supervision of Professor Ben L. Feringa. His work focuses on controlling biological systems with light (including molecular motors and photoswitches).