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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ing. M.M. (Martine) Goedendorp


Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors: An individual patient data meta-analysis from the POLARIS study

Moderators of exercise effects on self-reported cognitive functioning in cancer survivors: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Community Wise—effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods: a mixed-methods approach

Foto-interviews over gezondheid bij ouderen met een lage sociaaleconomische status

Trajectories of fatigue in cancer patients during psychological care

A healthy view?: exploring the positive health perceptions of older adults with a lower socioeconomic status using photo-elicitation interviews

The Bigger Picture: Research Strategy for a Photo-Elicitation Study Investigating Positive Health Perceptions of Older Adults With Low Socioeconomic Status

Distress and mental health care and medication use among survivors of multiple primary cancer diagnoses: Findings from the 2016 National Health Interview Survey

Effects and moderators of coping skills training on symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with cancer: Aggregate data and individual patient data meta-analyses

Moderators of Exercise Effects on Cancer-related Fatigue: A Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data