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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ing. M.M. (Martine) Goedendorp

dr. ing. M.M. (Martine) Goedendorp

Universitair Docent

Project that I'm currently working on:

1) The role of sex and gender in positive health perceptions of older inhabitants of neighborhoods with low social economic status aiming to tailor the Community Wise intervention.

2) The Vital Movement: from a Health Care State to a Participating Society for older adults.

Project that are finished:

3) Vital Fleringen [Vitaal Fleringen]

4) Community Wise: Stimulating, physical vitality, resilience and social vitality as components of positive health of inhabitants of neighborhoods with low social economic status. Read more about this project in the PhD thesis of Feline Platzer.

5) In Saasveld people take care of each other: Saasveld Zorg Veur Mekaar Plus

6) Implementation of the Self-Management of Well-being interventions for older adults in health and social care. (Lees meer over de resultaten en de interventie op de website van het GRIP&GLANS programma)

Laatst gewijzigd:16 januari 2024 18:48