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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.M. (Melina) Aarnikoivu, Dr


Doctoral researchers as change agents of higher education: An autoethnographic account

JUFOn vaikutus yliopistoissa työskentelevien tutkijoiden julkaisukanavia koskeviin päätöksiin

Book Review: Julia Molinari (2022), What Makes Writing Academic: Rethinking Theory for Practice

Researcher Mental Health Overview in Finland

Through and Towards an interdisciplinary Research Community: Navigating Academia as a Lone Doctoral Scholar

Väitöskirjatutkijoiden tieteellisen kirjoittamisen osaaminen ja tuki suomalaisissa yliopistoissa

“We Shouldn’t Let Academia Exhaust Ourselves Anymore!”: Pandemic Practices and the Changing Psychological Contract in Twenty-First-Century Academia

What and where to publish? Tensions of publishing choices for individual researchers in Finland


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