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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Mónica) Lopez Lopez


Learning from children: Experiences and needs of children in the Dutch child protection system

LGBTQIA+ youth leaving care: Exploring challenges and social support in three countries

Queer individuals’ experiences in STEM learning and working environments

Sources of resilience for refugee youth in Ethiopia: Exploring the role of education, work, community, religion, and family

“They told me that you can be with whomever you want, be who you are”: Perceptions of LGBTQ + youth in residential care regarding the social support provided by child welfare professionals

Who is involved in child protection investigations? The relationship between gender, ethnicity/migration background, and contacts between parents and caseworkers during investigations and assessments

A Cross-National Review of Policies and Practices Affecting LGBTQ+ Youth in Child Welfare

Care professionals’ perspectives and roles on resilience among LGBTQIA+ youth in out-of-home care: A multidimensional perspective

Non-formal disaster education programs for school students in Iran: A qualitative study of the challenges experienced by stakeholders

Reimagining Participation of Young People in Decision Making in Contexts of Vulnerability