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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Maximilian) Linde


“Adding an egg” in algorithmic decision making: Improving stakeholder and user perceptions, and predictive validity by enhancing autonomy

Reputation Without Practice? A Dynamic Computational Model of the Unintended Consequences of Open Scientist Reputations

The use of Bayes factors in biomedicine: a call for open and user-friendly tools

A review of applications of the bayes factor in psychological research

Bayes Factor Model Comparisons Across Parameter Values for Mixed Models

Bayes Factors for Mixed Models: a Discussion

baymedr: an R package and web application for the calculation of Bayes factors for superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority designs

Decisions about equivalence: A comparison of TOST, HDI-ROPE, and the Bayes factor

Bayes Factors for Two-group Comparisons in Cox Regression

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