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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Marike) Lancel


Sleep disorders in a naturalistic cohort of Dutch psychiatric outpatients: prevalence rates and associations with psychopathology symptom severity and well-being

The Holland Sleep Disorders Questionnaire: Factorial structure and measurement invariance in a psychiatric sample relative to the general population

Trajectories of insomnia following bereavement

Cross-Lagged Analyses of Prolonged Grief and Depression Symptoms with Insomnia Symptoms

Schema therapy for violent PD offenders: A randomized clinical trial

Shift work is associated with extensively disordered sleep, especially when working nights

The Cross-Lagged Relationships Between Insomnia and Prolonged Grief Symptoms

The influence of sexual activity on sleep: A diary study

Effectivity of (Personalized) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Mental Health Populations and the Elderly: An Overview

Gender Differences in Substance Abuse History and Offending Behavior: A Multicentre Study in Dutch Forensic Psychiatry

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Hoe strafbaar ben je als je een auto-ongeluk veroorzaakt omdat je in slaap valt?

The Influence of Sexual Activity on Sleep: A Diary Study

HET CONSULT - Snel inslapen? Verhoog de slaapdruk en verlaag de stress

Hoe val je sneller in slaap?

Sleep And Sex: Can Intimacy Improve Sleep Quality? New Study Says Yes

Study: Having Sex Before May Improve Sleep, But Here Are Caveats

Couples sleep better after having sex

When couples have sex before bed, both partners sleep better, but sleeping alone has no such effect.

Couples sleep better if they have sex first — but going solo doesn’t work

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