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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Matthijs) Kalmijn


Relationships among adult full, half, and stepsiblings: Does coresidence explain the stepgap?

Adolescent Residential Mobility and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood

A Symphony for the Ages: Strategies for Classical Music Amid Demographic Shifts

Back for good? Return aspirations of immigrants in the Netherlands

Close but far away: Intergenerational relationships between retirement migrants and adult children

Cohort changes in the association between parental divorce and children’s education: A long-term perspective on the institutionalization hypothesis

Comparing Neighbors and Friends in Age-Related Network Changes

Cultural and social support explanations of the native-migrant gap in the use of day care for pre-school children

Discrepancies in parents’ perceptions of adult children’s well-being: evidence from mother–father–child triads

Does Ethnicity Moderate the Union Dissolution Penalty for Women? A Register-based Analysis of Changes in Income Components


Sterft klassieke muziekbezoeker uit? Nee, de fitte en rijke boomers zorgen nog jaren voor volle zalen

30 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar sociale cohesie