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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Matthijs) Kalmijn


Adolescent Residential Mobility and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood

Cohort changes in the association between parental divorce and children’s education: A long-term perspective on the institutionalization hypothesis

Cultural and social support explanations of the native-migrant gap in the use of day care for pre-school children

Discrepancies in parents’ perceptions of adult children’s well-being: evidence from mother–father–child triads

Parents' socioeconomic status and support to adult children across the life course

Reassessing Chronic Strain: A Research Note on Women's Income Dynamics After Divorce and Separation

Adult children in complex families: How do relationships affect relationships?

Are National Family Surveys Biased toward the Happy Family? A Multiactor Analysis of Selective Survey Nonresponse

Migrating to a new country in late life: A review of the literature on international retirement migration

The association between parental separation at the school level and student outcomes in four European Countries

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