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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.J. van Goethem


Proton therapy induces a local microglial neuroimmune response

Radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks in cortisol exposed fibroblasts as quantified with the novel foci-integrated damage complexity score (FIDCS)

Sparing of the heart facilitates recovery from cardiopulmonary side effects after thoracic irradiation

A Monte-Carlo-based study of a single-2D-detector proton-radiography system

Impact of proton therapy on the DNA damage induction and repair in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

The Effects of Combined Exposure to Simulated Microgravity, Ionizing Radiation, and Cortisol on the In Vitro Wound Healing Process

A simple proton-radiography system for accurate RSP measurements in proton therapy

Beam Current Measurements at the Nano-Ampere Level Using a Current Transformer

Establishment of the New Particle Therapy Research Center (PARTREC) at UMCG Groningen

Investigating the lateral dose response functions of point detectors in proton beams

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Proton beam radiotherapy. Getting the patient into focus.

Protonentherapie. Het nauwkeuriger maken van protonentherapie.